six months into 2020….
“Love You Forever”, copper wire sculpture, 72h x 28w in.
I ask a lot of questions. Like a ridiculous amount of questions a day. I’ve always been very inquisitive - an investigator of sorts. That’s why I’ve always been able to produce such curated, customized and specific weddings and floral work (and now interiors) - I asked my clients A LOT of questions about where they’ve been, what they love and where they want to go in life. That along with my intuitive and empathetic gifts has guided me to this point. So. Here we are. In what feels like an unstable, chaotic, divided, polarized EMOTIONAL season of life filled with black squares, racists, activists and a bunch of people who are sitting on the ground, legs folded watching the world spinning around them totally overwhelmed. Many of these people have been and will be duped by our media, politics and people around them that seem to know what’s best for them. I refuse to be told what to do and what I am supposed to think. I am privileged to have the ability of free thought (you do too, btw) and have been exercising my right to it freely this year.
Before the chaos of 2020 started, I used to think daily ‘how much longer can the world exist like this?’ How many more seasons of clothes can fast fashion create? How many more styrofoam cups will be used, tossed and continue to exist long after my grandchildren? Can this country come back from our obesity epidemic (which is actually more concerning to me than Covid, but that’s for another day….) Can we come back from our entitled, decadent, selfish existence? Will people realize they are killing themselves and this earth because of this decadence? When will people realize most of our ‘experts’ are just selling something and not really guiding us well? Capitalism has gone too far and how can we reign it in? Does capitalism actually work (the answer is YES…) Will our country realize that our biggest problem is a spirituality problem and nothing else?
It’s really hard to tune out the noise right now. I’ve spent way too much time on twitter and listening to podcasts trying to educate myself in a myriad of things. The best thing I’ve figured out to do for myself and my family is focus inward - meditation, prayer and our microbiomes (I will do a post on this another day.) One of my favorite interviews I’ve seen this year, regarding covid and all else leading to our detriment, was spoken so beautiful by Dr. Zach Bush in the video below. I’ve been following his work for a few years now and have considering him a guiding light in my life as of late. Please watch this, if you have time. Especially the last ten minutes.
If you are struggling in this election year (and please, keep reminding yourself it’s an election year…) one suggestion I can offer to bring you centered is to start composting, if you don’t already. I laughed out loud as I typed that, because it seems like such a strange suggestion, but it’s something that since we started a while back changed my mindset on everything. It reminds you to eat more things from the earth. It reminds you to keep your scraps that go back into the earth. You watch the process of waste turning into wealth. I’m telling you, start it and watch your outlook on life change.